Year 2020
ISI/ Scopus Magazine
Pham Dinh Thanh, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Tran Ba Trung (2020). An efficient strategy for using multifactorial optimization to solve the clustered shortest path tree problem. Applied Intelligence, 50, 1233–1258.
Minh Ha Le, Vinh Duc Tran, Van Anh Trinh,Viet Cuong Trinh (2020). Compacting ciphertext in multi-channel broadcast encryption and attribute-based encryption. Theoretical Computer Science, 804, 219-235.
Sonxay Luangoudom, Duc Tran, Tuyen Nguyen, Hai Anh Tran, Giang Nguyen, Quoc Trung Ha (2020). svBLOCK: Mitigating Black Hole Attack in Low-power and Lossy Networks. International Journal of Sensor Networks, 32, 77-86.
Nguyen Thi My Binh, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyen Van Linh, Shui Yu (2020). Efficient meta-heuristic approaches in solving minimal exposure path problem for heterogeneous wireless multimedia sensor networks in internet of things. Applied Intelligence, 50, 1889–1907.
Nguyễn Hồng Quang, Cao Tuấn Dũng (2020). A Novel Method for Recognizing Vietnamese Voice Commands on Smartphones with Support Vector Machine and Convolutional Neural Networks. Hindawi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2020, 1-9.
Binh Minh Nguyen, Thanh-Chung Dao, Ba-Lam Do (2020). Towards a blockchain-based certificate authentication system in Vietnam. PeerJ Computer Science, 6, 01-27.
Van-Hai Vu, Quang-Phuoc Nguyen, Kiem-Hieu Nguyen, Joon-Choul Shin, Cheol-Young Ock (2020). Korean-Vietnamese Neural Machine Translation with Named Entity Recognition and Part-of-Speech Tags. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 103, 866-873.
Ban Hà Bằng (2020). General Variable Neighborhood Search for the Quote-Travelling Repairman Problem. Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 4, 696-709.
Nguyen Thieu; Hoang Bao; Nguyen Giang; and Nguyen Binh Minh (2020). A New Workload Prediction Model Using Extreme Learning Machine and Enhanced Tug of War optimization. Procedia Computer Science, 170, 362-369.
Dao Thi Le Thuy, Trinh Van Loan, Nguyen Hong Quang (2019). Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Emotion Recognition of Vietnamese. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC), 10, 1000-1008.
Huy Do, Hanh Tran, Khoat Than, Pierre Larmande (2019). Comparative study of Named-Entity Recognition methods in the agronomical domain. Computación y Sistemas, 1.
Philip Moore, Hai Van Pham (2019). A Fog Computing Model for Pervasive Connected Healthcare in Smart Environments. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 10, 375 – 391.
Ban Ha Bang, Nguyen Duc Nghia, Nguyen Kien (2019). AN EFFECTIVE METAHEURISTIC FOR MULTIPLE TRAVELING REPAIRMAN PROBLEM WITH DISTANCE CONSTRAINTS. Computing and Informatics, 38, 1001-1034.
Quang Minh Ha, Yves Deville, Quang Dung Pham, Minh Hoang Ha (2019). A hybrid genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem with drone. Journal of Heuristics, 1, 1-29.
Bui Thi Mai Anh, Nick Papoulias, Serge Stinckwich, Mikal Ziane, Benjamin Roche (2019). The Kendrick modelling platform: language abstractions and tools for epidemiology. BMC Bioinformatic, 20-312.
Hai Van Pham, Philip Moore (2019). Emergency Service Provision Using a Novel Hybrid SOM-Spiral STC Model for Group Decision Support under Dynamic Uncertainty. Applied Sciences, 9, 1-23.
Phi Le Nguyen, Nguyen Thi Hanh, Nguyen Tien Khuong, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Yusheng Ji (2019). Node placement for connected target coverage in wireless sensor networks with dynamic sinks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 59.
Nguyen Thieu; Nguyen Tu; Nguyen, Binh Minh; and Nguyen Giang (2019). Efficient Time-series Forecasting using Neural Network and Opposition-based Coral Reefs Optimization. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 12, 1144-1161.
Phi Le Nguyen, Kien Nguyen, Huy Vu, Yusheng Ji (2019). TELPAC: A Time and Energy Efficient Protocol for Locating and Patching Coverage Holes in WSNs. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 147.
Nguyen Binh Minh, Hoang, Bao, Tran Huy, Tran Viet (2018). Managing Cloud Data Centers with Three-state Server Model under Job Abandonment Phenomenon. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10862.
Nguyễn Hồng Quang (2018). The Impact of Each Deep Neural Network Layer on the Performance of End-To-End Vietnamese Speech Recognition. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Special Volume, Issue I, Advances in Mechanical System and ICI-convergence, Special Volume , I, 77-81.
Hai-Anh Tran, Duc Tran, Linh-Giang Nguyen, Quoc-Trung Ha, Van Tong, A. Mellouk (2018). SHIOT: A Novel SDN-based Framework for the Heterogeneous Internet of Things. Informatica, 42 (3), 313-324.
Hong T Vu, Liefu Jiang, Lourdes M Cueva Chacón, Martin J Riedl, Duc V Tran, Piotr S Bobkowski (2018). What influences media effects on public perception? A cross-national study of comparative agenda setting. International Communication Gazette, 1-22.
Quang Minh HA, Yves Deville, Quang Dung PHAM, Minh Hoang HA (2018). On the min-cost traveling salesman problem with drone. Transportation Research Part C – Emerging technologies, 597– 621.
Duc Tran, Hieu Mac, Van Tong, Anh Tran Hai, Giang Nguyen Linh (2018). A LSTM based Framework for Handling Multiclass Imbalance in DGA Botnet Detection. Neurocomputing, 275.
Vinh Tran Tuan, Shivaramaiah NC, Thuan Nguyen Dinh, Glennon EP, Dempster AG (2018). GNSS receiver implementations to mitigate the effects of commensurate sampling frequencies on DLL code tracking. GPS Solutions, 22.
Tran Vinh T., Nagaraj C. Shivaramaiah, Thuan D. Nguyen, Joon W. Cheong, Eamonn P. Glennon, and Andrew G. Dempster (2018). Generalised Theory on the Effects of Sampling Frequency on GNSS Code Tracking. The Journal of Navigation, 71.
Tu Thi-Thanh Nguyen, Vinh The La, and Tung Hai Ta (2018). A Novel Residual Frequency Estimation Method for GNSS Receivers. Sensors , 18(1), 119.
Tran Manh Tuan, Nguyen Thanh Duc, Pham Van Hai, Le Hoang Son (2017). Dental Diagnosis from X-Ray images using fuzzy rule-based systems. International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, 16, 1, 1-16.
Phan-Thuan Do, Ngoc-Khang LE, Van-Thieu VU (2017). Efficient maximum matching algorithms for trapezoid graphs. Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, 5, 1.
Tuan Linh Dang, Thang Cao, Yukinobu Hoshino (2017). Hybrid Hardware-Software Architecture for Neural Networks Trained by Improved PSO Algorithm. ICIC Express Letters, 11, 3, 565 -574.
Pham Ngoc Hung, Takashi Yoshimi (2017). Adaptive Learning of Hand Movement in Human Demonstration for Robot Action. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 29, 5.
Ngo Van Linh, Nguyen Kim Anh, Khoat Than, Chien Nguyen Dang (2017). An effective and interpretable method for document classification. Knowledge and Information Systems, 50, 3, Pp 763–793.
Pham Quang Dung, Le Kim Thu, Nguyen Thanh Hoang, Pham Van Dinh, Bui Quoc Trung (2017). A Constraint-Based Local Search for offline and online general vehicle routing. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 26, 2.
Gabriella Povero, Lucilla Alfonsi, Luca Spogli, Domenico Di Mauro, Claudio Cesaroni, Fabio Dovis, Rodrigo Romero, Prayitno Abadi, Minh Le Huy, Vinh La The, Nicolas Floury (2017). Ionosphere Monitoring in South East Asia in the ERICA Study. Navigation, Online First.
Le Hoang Son, Pham Van Viet, Pham Van Hai (2017). Picture inference system: a new fuzzy inference system on picture fuzzy set. Applied Intelligence, 46, 3, 652–669.
Ban Ha Bang, Nguyen Duc Nghia (2017). A meta-heuristic algorithm combining between tabu and variable neighborhood search for the minimum latency problem. Fundamenta Informaticae, 156, 1, 21-41.
Toan Nguyen-Duc, Eiji Kamioka (2017). esVHO: Energy Saving Vertical Handover Extension for Local SDN in Non-Interconnected Environment. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, E100.B, 11.
Trinh Bao Ngoc, Huynh Quyet Thang, Bui Duc Hung, Le Tuan Dung (2016). Modeling And Developing Project Payment Schedule Algorithm Using Genetic Algorithm And Nash Equilibrium. Journal of Science and Technology of Technical Universities, 113, 137-143.
Le Xuan Thanh, Dao Thi Le Thuy, Trinh Van Loan, Nguyen Hong Quang (2016). Emotions in speech and statistical analysis of Vietnamese emotional corpus. Research, development and application of ICT, 1, 86-98.
Nguyen Thi Thanh, Nguyen Hong Quang, Trinh Van Loan, Pham Ngoc Hung (2016). Vietnamese speech recognition using Kaldi toolkit. Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 3-4 (CS.01), 7-14.
Pham Ngoc Hung, Trinh Van Loan, Nguyen Hong Quang (2016). Automatic Identification of Vietnamese Dialects. Journal of Informatics and Cybernetics, 32, 1, 19-30.
Pham Ngoc Hung, Trinh Van Loan, Nguyen Hong Quang (2016). Statistical analysis of Vietnamese dialect corpus and dialect identification experiments. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS), 2, 8, 255-266.
Nguyen Hong Lam, Nguyen Dinh Thuan, La The Vinh (2016). Performance evaluation of the tightly coupled GPS/INS integration with different constraints. Journal of Science and Technology – Academy of Economics, 181, 95-115.
Tong Van Van, Nguyen Linh Giang, Tran Quang Duc (2016). Domain classification using semantic features in the DGA Botnet discovery system. Journal of Information and Communication, 529(719).
La The Vinh (2016). Gaussian Mixture Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Emotional Speech Classification. Journal of Science and Technology, 113, 76-80.
Cao Tuan Dung (2016). A detection method for DGA-based Botnet on big data platform. Journal of Science and Technology of Technical Universities, 113, 130-136.
Trinh Bao Ngoc, Huynh Quyet Thang, Bui Duc Hung, Le Tuan Dung (2016). Modeling And Developing Project Payment Schedule Algorithm Using Genetic Algorithm And Nash Equilibrium. . Journal of Science and Technology of Digital Universities 113 – 2016 (English edition), 137-143.
Van Linh Ngo, Nguyen Kim Anh, Khoat Than, and Nguyen Nguyen Tat (2015). Effective and Interpretable Document Classification Using Distinctly Labeled Dirichlet Process Mixture Models of von Mises-Fisher Distributions. Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 139-153.
Quang-Minh Nguyen, Tuan-Dung Cao (2015). A novel approach for automatic extraction of semantic data about football transfer in sport news. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 11 (2), 233-252 .
A. MinTjoa, Peter Wetz, Elmar Kiesling, Tuan-Dat Trinh, Ba-Lam Do (2015). Integrating Streaming Data into Semantic Mashups. Procedia Computer Science , 72, 1-4.
Tuan-Dat Trinh, Peter Wetz, Ba-Lam Do, Elmar Kiesling, A Min Tjoa (2015). Distributed mashups: a collaborative approach to data integration. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 11, 3, 370-396.
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyen Thai Duong (2015). Heuristic and genetic algorithms for solving survivability problem in the design of last mile communication networks. Soft Computing, 19, 9, 2619-2632.
Yliès Falcone, Mohamad Jaber, Thanh-Hung Nguyen, Marius Bozga, Saddek Bensalem (2015). Runtime verification of component-based systems in the BIP framework with formally-proved sound and complete instrumentation. Software & Systems Modeling.
Philip T Moore, Hai V Pham (2015). Personalization and rule strategies in data-intensive intelligent context-aware systems . The Knowledge Engineering Review (tạp chí, SCI index), 140-156.
Nguyen Huu Thanh, Vu Anh Vu, Nguyen Duc Lam, Nguyen Van Huynh, Tran Manh Nam, Ngo-Quynh Thu, Thu-Huong Truong, Nguyen Tai Hung, Thomas Magedanz (2015). A Generalized Resource Allocation Framework in Support of Multi-Layer Virtual Network Embedding based on SDN. ELSEVIER’s Journal of Computer Networks, Special Issue on Network Virtualization and Software Defined Networking, 92 (2), 9th December 2015, 251 – 269.
Nguyen Duc Trong, Nguyen Phi Le, Nguyen Khanh Van (2015). Routing algorithm ensures load balancing and constant routing coefficient using random factor in wireless sensor network with network pit. Journal of Science and Technology, 46-51.
Nguyen Minh Quy, Huynh Quyet Thang, Ho Khanh Lam (2015). Analyze the influence of communication delay on the performance of parallel computing system in Microsoft Word password recovery problem. Journal of Science and Technology of Technical Universities, 104, 41-45.
Huynh Hoang Long, Huynh Quyet Thang, Nguyen Huu Duc (2015). Manage information more efficiently from SaaS. Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 5, 28-32.
Le Xuan Thong Nhat, Nguyen Khanh Van (2015). Building a 3-way link network topology based on DSN architecture to adapt to actual implementation. Journal of Posts and Telecommunications – Specialized in ICT Research, Development and Application, 5-15.
Pham Van Hai, Nguyen Thi My Loc (2015). The TOPSIS-AHP model uses the Newhouse ICT Criteria to evaluate lectures with intelligent decision support. VNU Journal of Science – VNU Journal of Science, 1-15.