Artificial Intelligence Research Center

The Department of Computer Science was established on November 18, 2021 on the basis of a combination of 3 departments of Software Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems of the Institute of Information Technology. and Communication ( the predecessor of the present School of Information and Communication Technology ). The Faculty of Computer Science not only undertakes the training of the core modules in the standard and high-quality training program ( Elitech ) of the School of Information and Communication Technology, but also performs the function of intensive training in Computer Science at the higher education levels. Bachelor, Engineer, Master and Doctorate degrees.

With the mission of training high-quality human resources capable of participating in the process of creating new knowledge and products for the 4.0 technology revolution and digital transformation of the country, the Faculty of Science and Technology conducts training. the following programs

  • Undergraduate training in Computer Science with application orientations: Software engineering, Information systems and Intelligent data analysis.
  • Training Master of Science in Computer Science with research orientations on Software Engineering and Information Systems.
  • Training Master of Engineering in Information Technology.
  • Training Doctorate in Computer Science, Information Systems, Software Engineering
  • Participating in undergraduate and postgraduate training in high-quality training programs of the School of ICT such as Viet Nhat, Global ICT, Viet Phap, Cyber ​​Security, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

The faculty’s teaching staff are highly qualified and dedicated to their profession. Faculty members have published many scientific works in prestigious journals; participated in compiling and editing many textbooks, which are currently being used to teach at many IT faculties in the country; chaired many scientific research projects at all levels; has won prestigious research and application awards, notably the Vietnam Talent Award or the Golden Globe. The Faculty’s strong research directions include: Algorithms and Optimization, Evolutionary Computing, High Performance Computing, Fuzzy Logic and Logical Computing, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Analysis , Data integration, Information search, Natural language processing, Software verification and validation, Project management and optimization, Intelligent software analysis technology,
